Jumat, 16 November 2012

The Urgency of Character Building in Indonesia (ENGLISH SPEECH)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh
The excellency the judges
The excellency all the officials
And dear all audiences,
First of all, let us thank to Allah who has given us such opportunity to meet and share knowledge about what is happening in our education system today
Second of all, let us give Solawat and Salam to our last prophet Muhammad saw who has told us to learn  and study wherever we are.
            Dear audiences,
when the announcement of High School graduation is published, there are two contradictive emotional situation happening. Those who graduate are extremely excited, brushing their uniform with paint, going around their city by motorcycle, and probably throwing a party with their friends. Whereas those who do not graduate are in an extreme sadness, locking their room door and crying all the day as if their life is over and aimless, feeling so much embarassed and even there has been some news that some of them try to commit suicide. What a shame! These two situations need to be questioned. Our education should have created logical students with good emotional quation and good character building. As mentioned in our amandement 1945, “to increase society prosperity and create smart quality of life among people” (or in Indonesia: Memajukan kesejahteraan umum dan mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa). According to Big Dictionary of Bahasa Indonesia, smart quality of life does not mean only smart intellectually, but also emotionally and spiritually. But the application goes wrong. Today’s education seems to emphasize on our intellegence. The clear example is National Final Examination, or we call it UAN. There are some standard of scores students must get in order to graduate. It makes students only think how they can reach the scores they want in order that they graduate and then get accepted in certain institution. They will cheat with their friends. The teaching of being honest which they learn in PPKN or Pendidikan Agama lost somewhere. They know, understand, and gets perfect score for those lessons, but it is not guaranteed that they can apply it in their life. Another example during UAN is their teachers. They also do the same. Mathematics teachers do not want their reputation as Math teacher bad because it might affect their job, so they help their students to answer the Math questions. So, where is their idealism as a teacher which should make their students smart, not only graduate? If our education system makes young generations to be pragmatical, and does not emphasize on students good character building, there will be many bad people in our country . Corruptors, for example, betray their oath because they only want to achieve what they want which is money. Corruptors must have good educational background, right? They cannot apply a theory that stealing is an evil and forbidden deed. Drug users keep consuming drugs although they have known the danger of it only because they want to feel the short-term pacifying effect of drugs. And surprisingly, most of drug users are High School and University students. They must have learnt that drug has bad effects, right? This is the evidence that education should embrace character building of the students so they will not only be smart intellectually, but also emotionally and spiritually.
We can see our prophet Muhammad SAW. The first thing Allah has given our Prophet is not knowledge but the good character or akhlaqul karimah, until then He is famous with al-amin (a trusted person). Prophet Muhammad said : “adabanii robbii, faahsana ta’diibii” (Allah has taught me how to behave so I have the best behaviour). This is in line with Allah said “wainnaka la’alaa khuluqin ‘adziimin” (the best person among you is one who has good character (akhlaqul karimah)). Allah has told us in Alquran that the most important thing we must have is akhlaqul karimah. To form akhlaqul karimah of students, our country education system must have character building program.
            Dear audiences,
The next question coming is how to apply character building in our education. Today, teachers should write character building in their lesson plan sheet or Indonesian teachers call it RPP. In every meeting they have, there must be a character building aspect they have to cope with. This is a nice try to build good character through formal education system. Will it work? To build someone’s character, environment plays a very important role. Their character cannot be built only when they are in the classroom. Pondok Pesantren has good environment. Many Pondok Pesantren today teaches formal lessons too. It does not only teach about religion. So, it is like one complete package. You learn about religion, formal lessons, and you live in a good environment which will help you to have good character building. What else can be better? So, Pondok Pesantren has the best education system because it teaches the lessons and also create good environment.
            Dear audiences,
Our education system emphasizes on our intelligence than our character and religion building. It makes students only think how they can achieve certain score in their exams. This is ironical because education is the most important root in our society because our country’s young generations learn everything there. If our education system does not emphasize on students good character building, there will be many bad people in our country, such as corruptors, drug users, etc. So, character building is the most important after all. Pondok Pesantren is the best education in this way. Because it is like one complete package. You learn about religion, formal lessons, and you live in a good environment which will help you to have good character building.
So, all audiences,
From now on, invite all your neighbours, all your colleagues, all your brothers and sisters to study in Pesantren. And one day if you have kids, put them in Pesantren if you want to give them education with good character building. That’s all from me. I hope my speech can give benefit and new knowledge to all of you.


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